What the future holds is determined by how prepared we are to unlock that treasure “. Tick Tock the clocks keep beating ,Tech is growing at a high speed, what skills have we acquired to develop and put our country into Map Tech space?


Jokkolabs Banjul is at the forefront of preparing young people as early as five years old to become Problem Solvers, Engineers, and Creative Young Artiste. Embarking on a journey of innovation and tech-driven education, Jokkolabs Banjul takes pride in shaping the future through its transformative Kids in ICT and Creative Summer Camps. In a rapidly evolving technological landscape, the camp stands as a beacon, equipping young minds as early as five years old with the skills to become problem solvers, engineers, and creative young artists. Since 2018, Jokkolabs has been a dynamic hub for innovative learning, emphasizing the Africa Code Week Challenge. This challenge beckons participants aged 8-16 to create Scratch-based games, not just for entertainment but as solutions to global challenges, particularly the pressing issue of climate change.


. Beyond coding, the camp’s holistic curriculum encompasses reading sessions, sports activities, spelling bees, and interactive debates, fostering crucial teamwork and communication skills. Emphasizing early childhood development, Jokkolabs utilizes coding and creative writing as vehicles not only for teaching programming but also for nurturing creativity and storytelling. As the clocks of progress keep ticking, Jokkolabs invites young minds to join this transformative experience, empowering them to code, create, and play a pivotal role in shaping a brighter future for themselves and their communities.


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